TMJ101 – Module 1
Covers the typical signs and symptoms associated with TMJ dysfunction, nerve supply and key muscles. You will learn how to assess the masseter, SCM, temporalis and to evaluate the alignment of your own TMJ.

TMJ101 – Module 2
Reviews the anatomy and arthrokinematics of the TMJ, including the disc and the lateral and medial pterygoid. You will learn how to do an internal muscle release of masseter, temporalis, and the pterygoids.

TMJ101 – Module 3
How to assess TMJ alignment and ROM with a client is demonstrated, including how to down-train the upper traps and SCM. Teaching a client to correct their alignment using resistance and tongue exercises, is also covered.

TMJ101 – Module 4
Assessment of TMJ movement, strength and alignment in supine, external and internal muscle and joint techniques are demonstrated.

TMJ101 – Module 5
A brief overview of the typically asked questions when you commence treating the TMJ are discussed. This includes use of splints, injections and what typical scans a client may bring to their treatment session. Case history discussions include MRI findings of a perforated disc, clinical presentation of anterior displacement with non-reduction and how TMJ dysfunction may present distally to the joint.

TMJ101 – Module 6
This module covers a way to use upper and lower limb neural testing to identify what may the driver of a client’s pain. This systematic assessment and mobilization techniques can be used for any musculoskeletal pain. It is particularly helpful for cervical and lumbar pain as well as identifying if the TMJ is contributing to pain distal to the joint.